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KZN Network on Violence Against Women

The KwaZulu-Natal Network on Violence against Women (KZN Network) is a province-wide network of more than 300 non-governmental organizations, local government departments, churches, and schools that work together to address prevention strategies for violence against women.

The KZN Network provides systems and coordinates the gender-based violence response for KZN through gender equity and legal training, capacity building, media campaigns, lobbying, data collection, and advocacy. By transforming gender-based violence hotspots into Violence Free Zones, the KZN Network is coordinating a community response that gives survivors access to essential services.

Rapid Response Teams comprised of community-based organizations provide emergency life-saving services to survivors, including extractions, support at police stations, legal support, and accompaniment in accessing healthcare services and shelters. These teams also aim to transform harmful gender norms through structured GBV education sessions for young women and men.

Hear from founder Cookie Edwards and other KZN Network team members on the breadth and urgency of their work towards ending gender-based violence in KwaZulu-Natal.

KZN Network on Violence Against Women Executive Director and activist, Cookie Edwards, speaks as a guest on a podcast called Walk the Talk discusses toxic relationships, abusive relationships, and power.