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Community HealthCare Solutions

Community HealthCare Solutions uses a soccer-based life skills program that aims to impact behavior change that reduces HIV, TB, and COVID-19, promotes gender equity, and reduces unplanned pregnancies.

The organization’s efforts focus on an informal settlement in Howick, KwaZulu-Natal. The community, Shiya Abazali – meaning “leave your parents” – is made up of various marginalized groups, foreign nationals, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and young people who have dropped out of school.

Taking an ecological approach, CHS works with the local primary school, clinic, church and community leaders, local government, and other NGOs.

Alongside the behavior change work, CHS aims to strengthen Shiya Abazali’s referral systems and support networks, helping to create the environment needed for young people to stay healthy and pursue their future goals.

Howick, KwaZulu-Natal
Meet Community HealthCare Solutions!